The super league fiasco proved that European sport is on the brink of catastrophe.   

Decades of mismanagement has left countless clubs, communities, and competitions vulnerable to hostile takeovers by predatory investors whose only aim is to make money.

Enough is enough.

We must turn the outpouring of indignation, solidarity, and common purpose that greeted the super league into a clear, practical, and long-term plan of action at the European level.

Sport is a social good that belongs to everyone—not just the wealthy and the elite. Now more than ever, it is crucial that the institutions of the European Union, Member States, and politicians work with fans and concerned citizens to safeguard football and other sports across the continent.

That’s why Football Supporters Europe (FSE) is coordinating a new European Citizens Initiative (ECI)—that calls on them to:

  1. PROTECT the European model of sport

The European model of sport is based on popular principles such as sporting merit, promotion and relegation, qualification to Europe via domestic success, and financial solidarity. This model and its principles must be protected at the EU-level to prevent any more super league style breakaway attempts.

  1. RECOGNISE the social value and specific nature of sport in European society

Sport plays an important role in European society, encouraging grassroots participation and encompassing education, public health, and culture, as well as equality, diversity, and inclusion. For millions of Europeans, sport is their hobby, their passion, and their purpose. It is not just like any other business. This must be recognised in EU law, including competition rules.

  1. INVOLVE fans in discussions to shape the long-term future of European sport

The pandemic has shown that fans are one of the most important stakeholders in European sport. This must be acknowledged, with fans involved in all discussions and decisions about its long-term future.

What is an ECI?

A European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) offers people and groups the opportunity to shape European Union (EU) policies by petitioning the European Commission to propose new laws. Once an initiative has reached 1 million signatures, the Commission will decide on what action should be taken.

In line with Article 165 TFEU, Article 2 & 3 TEU, Regulation (EU) 2021/1060, and Regulation (EU) 2021/817, we are calling on the Commission to adopt a Recommendation providing an EU framework and guidelines for member state action to:

  • Protect the model of football in Europe
  • Recognise the social value of sport in European society
  • Recognise the specific nature of sport in EU Competition rules
  • Strengthen EU vision and long-term policy on the future and governance of European sport

Find Out More & Sign

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Football Supporters Europe eV

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22767 Hamburg




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