The Fan.Tastic Females exhibition was in Dresden last week, hosted at the Zentralwerk by Fanprojekt Dresden.

The inaugural event was well attended, beginning with contributions from fanprojekt chair Linda Röttig, Dynamo Dresden supervisory board member Sylvie Löffler, and exhibition team member Antje Hagel. Attendees then watched a screening of a documentary film about female Dynamo fans called Immer wieder Dynamo (Dynamo, Again and Again), which was followed by a panel session with the filmmakers and their protagonists.

Throughout the week, the organisers held several additional events, including workshops on graffiti for girls and young women and the relationship between women and football fan cultures.

Next stop: Cottbus, from 14th to 29th April, thanks to Fanprojekt Cottbus, Mädchen in Aktion Cottbus, and F_in Frauen im Fuβball. Find out more about the programme.

What is the Fan.Tastic Females Exhibition?

The Fan.Tastic Females exhibition highlights the experiences of women and girls in European football fan culture. It is based on interviews with more than 70 female fans from 21 countries. Their testimony is printed on portable panels, which incorporate a QR code so that visitors can watch it in video form. In addition to these profiles, the exhibition includes a general history of women on the terraces (‘Herstory’) and some examples of the challenges they still face today (‘Bullshit Bingo’).  

Since 2018, the exhibition has travelled to 40 locations in six countries. In recognition of its significance and influence, the exhibition won ‘Best Pan-European Football Project’ at the prestigious 2021 Deutsche Akademie für Fußball-Kultur awards. And earlier this year, it left Europe for the first time, making its way to Portland in the United States at the invitation of the Independent Supporters Council of North America. 

Visit the project website or email exhibition[at] for more information.

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